General Information
Heswall u3a is a totally volunteer organisation. It relies on members volunteering to populate the Management Committee, sub-committees and Groups and Activities Leaders
The Management Committee
The Management Committee has between 6 and 14 members, who are elected annually from amongst our members at the AGM. Each committee member heads up an area of our u3a. In some areas sub-committees, including other members, are formed to ensure the planning and organisational workload is shared.
Management Committee members are the Trustees of Heswall u3a and have joint responsibility to protect our charitable status by ensuring compliance with the requirements of our Constitution, the Third Age Trust, relevant legislation and regulations.
This is not as onerous as it may sound, as a good deal of common sense, a little reading and a belief in the principles of the u3a movement is what is required.
Since we started in late 2009 many members have gained enjoyment, new friends, new knowledge and skills from participation in this committee, without which our u3a could not exist. If you are interested in joining the Management Committee contact either the Chair or Business Secretary and we’ll invite you to sit in on a meeting to get a flavour of what the Management Committee does.
You can find a list of the current members of our Management Committee on our Contact Us page
We are a non-religious, non-political organisation and do not allow official u3a communications or meetings to promote private, business or commercial organisations. Occasionally similar educational activities from other non-profit local community-based organisations may be allowed to be advertised – contact the Chair.
Whilst we try to ensure that information on this site is accurate and up to date, errors or omissions can occur. Please check with the Group Leader/Organiser of the activity. We cannot take responsibility for problems caused by any inaccuracies.
Interest Groups are run on a voluntary basis by our members. There is no distinction between the learners and the teachers, as they are all Heswall u3a members.
Membership Renewal
All members will be emailed or written to in late February regarding their annual membership renewal due on 1st April.
Insurance. If things go wrong …….
Please note that through our membership of the Third Age Trust our u3a is insured for public liability, intended to indemnify group leaders, activity organisers and our members against any legitimate compensation claim arising from a U3A activity. This does not provide personal accident cover and is not a substitute for personal possessions cover. Any incident or accident must be reported to the group leader or activity organiser who will complete an incident report form and send it to the Business Secretary.
Whilst the majority of our activities carry no more risk than in our everyday lives, some are more active than others and members should note that they are responsible for their own personal safety and for their possessions.
Policy Statements
AGM Minutes
Forms for Group/Event Leaders
Heswall U3A is registered with the England & Wales Charity Commission registration number 1152217.
The Third Age Trust website is
We form part of the North West Region of u3as.
We are part of the Deeside & Wirral Network of u3as