Heswall Hall is our excellent community hall in the heart of Heswall, and most large events take place here.
As a member you can attend our Member Information Sessions, Short Courses, Trips and our Speaker events:
- MEMBER INFORMATION SESSIONS: On the second Monday of the month, excluding August and December, from 10:00 to 11:30, we have a drop-in session for existing members. This is an opportunity to enquire about group vacancies and gain assistance to start new Interest Groups. These meetings are often themed with displays or other activities providing additional interest. The usual cost is £2 including tea & coffee.
Anyone considering joining Heswall U3A should come along to these meetings arriving between 10:00 and 11:00, so we can further brief you, explain the enrolment process and answer any questions you may have.
- SHORT COURSES: These are usually a one-off session on a variety of topics for circa 30 pre-booked members. See Newsletter for booking details.
- TRIPS: We run various trips for members including Short trips, Theatre visits and longer Coach trips. See the Newsletter or enquire at a Member Information Session for the latest information.
- SPEAKER MEETINGS: On the 4thMonday of each month, excluding August and December. The speaker starts at 10:30 and the usual cost is £2 including tea & coffee. Tea & coffee is available from 9:30 to 10:20. This gives time to chat with friends both before and after the speaker, the room has to be clear by noon. We consider making a nominal charge for the Speaker Events a fair way to minimise the annual subscription as not all members choose to attend these events. Pre-registration recommended, see below.
PLEASE NOTE Windows will be open to create maximum ventilation so dress accordingly.
Our Speaker Meetings are member-only. As 190 is currently the maximum seating number and we have over 700 members, we need members to register their wish to attend by responding to the Newsletter request in the requested time-band. One of our members then collates attendee names ready for scanning in at the meeting. Without pre-registering there may not be space for you.
If it is a digital meeting, members wishing to receive the log-in information should respond to the e-mail invitation which is sent out to all members in advance.
If you are not a member and would like to attend these meetings, please email our Membership Secretary on about joining our U3A.

by Jenny Schwarz
Heswall Hall
Monday 27th Jan 2025
at 10.30am
Click here for more details
by Elizabeth Davey
Heswall Hall
Monday 24th Feb 2025
at 10.30am
Click here for more details
The History of the Royal Variety Performance
by Graham Loach
Heswall Hall
Monday 24th Mar 2025
at 10.30am
Click here for more details
A provisional list of future events
Heswall Hall
4th Monday of the month
at 10.30am
Click for more details
If you are interested in presenting at one of our Speaker Meetings, please email our Chair with your details.

Full hall for the Speaker Meeting

Speaker meeting – March 2023